Hello friends! For the benefit of those we've recently made connections with…. We are converting an old greyhound bus into a home. We call her Luna Bus. She's a MotorCoach Industries (MCI) 5A, a 1966 model. Stainless steel sides, luggage bays underneath, etc. It was initially turned from a passenger bus into a rolling home in the 70's. A Man & his son went all the way to South America in her. Then she went to the Man we bought her from who also drove her around and had adventures with his whole family. Then she sat for 15 years before he sold her. So between some rusting up over time and many creatures that had made a home, the price became low enough for us to afford her! We knew we had our work cut out for us, including the need to take her down to the bones. A giant undertaking. We gave up our final apartment and last house living style in 2019. We chose my parents property to work on her. We spent our first year in a tent called a bell tent. Sort of like a short yurt. Long enough to demolition most of the interior ceiling, walls and floors and get new upgraded floors in. Then Covid 19! Need I say more!? As most folks stories go….jobs lost and supplies impossible to get it became difficult.
So that's where our Hobby of sourdough bread making became needed by so many friends and neighbors needing bread. Luna Bread was born. We did all the things…serv safe food handling courses and certification, board of health, etc. Selling bread out the back of our Van became our daily work. What a strange time we've been through!!!
Then we took a break from bread making, for an epic cross country trip to Mexico for some emergency dental work for family. We traveled by travel trailer. We got our white Chihuahua mix pup on this trip.
When we came back supplies were more available & bus build resumed at a crawl. However progress is progress. Needless to say two years Went by in a flash & being broke and not done with #busbuild we decided to resume bread making to help fund this build and get it going! So . Here we are!
Like many, it's been a wild ride & the adventure hasn't even begun yet! We had our losses like everyone. Our struggles. We know what it's like to have not a penny to our name and to be struggling along. Dark times require deep digging and carrying forth the torch. We will continue to bring light to the dark until it gets better. Hopefully by sharing & selling our bread things can begin to get better. Flour went up from $17 a bag to $50 a bag. I want to be one of those companies who can stay steady for everyone in difficult times so we'll try to keep our price at $10/loaf. It still takes 3 days to make.
We Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for the support you offer. By buying a loaf or spreading the word, or giving us a good review you help us climb out of the dark and build our dream! We never guessed this difficult phase of awkward living while we build could go past three years…. but here we are. We are still moving forward and you are helping! Thank you!